InfoMinder tracks web pages and sends alerts when the content changes. Our customers use it for lead generation (tracking RFPs), competitor tracking, creating collections, legal case tracking and environment information monitoring.
Professional Services
Our professional services group provides:
1. Technology Consulting
2. Customization of our Information Tools
3. NLP (natural language processing) based prototypes and micro applications.
- Tweet Assistant
- Search Assistant
- Keyword Assistant
- Feed Aggregator/Filter
Most of the lab products have a functional, minimal user interface. If you are interested in the APIs for these assistants, or want to build custom applications using them, please
Information Streams
We track various technology topics using our tools.
Sources include Twitter (Tweet Assitant), Search (Search Assistant), RSS feeds and websites (InfoMinder). We gather information, curate the feeds (currently manually) for alignment with the topic and produce a stream of information. Each stream is in a separate page so you can track the page.